LeVar explains that he found several knowledgeable residential investment professionals who recommended Brookview Financial.
In the video below, he goes on to explain that “when you need that draw” Brookview “communicates with you and gets it to you in a very timely fashion“. And every investor knows that time is money!
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LeVar’s Chicago Rehab Project
My name is LeVar and we’re in Calumet City, the south suburbs of Chicago.
This was a very in-depth project. We re-did several systems in the house from HVAC to electrical as well as opening up the kitchen, re-did the hardwood floors throughout – just a lot of finishing touches and upgrades inside of this project.
Brookview was recommended to me by several experts in the industry. They partnered up with me and said “Hey, this is a reputable lender that you need to work with.” From that point, I met with a representative, talked to them on the phone, and they just really took me through the journey of what it would take for me to be successful working with Brookview.
There are several reasons I would recommend Brookview:
- They were a great partner for me throughout the project.
- It was a six-month project and they were with me every step of the way.
- The partners that you have on their end communicate very effectively with you and they emphasize the time frame in which they’ll get the draws to you.
- Anybody that’s in the experienced investor knows, time is off the essence. So, when you need that draw, they communicate with you and get it to you in a very timely fashion.
I look forward to doing projects with Brookview in the future and the effective communication and timely responses – that’s really important when you’re dealing with a project like this.